CBD for Insomnia - does it work?

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For healthy brain and body function, you require at least 8 hours of sleep. Though some people do achieve this, 30% of the population complains of sleep difficulties. Cases of sleep deprivation have become so rampant that the CDC declared it a public health pandemic. Will CBD for insomnia work? Yes. CBD has, through research, been proven to help treat insomnia and improve sleep time. It also helps improve other functions of the body by reacting with the endocannabinoid system, which makes it preferred to conventional sleep aids. Should you use CBD and insomnia drugs concurrently? Read on to find out this and how to figure out the CBD dosage that will work for you.

Insomnia - causes, and consequences

Insomnia is a result of several factors, including anxiety, pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, hectic work schedule, jetlag, pregnancy, mental health disorders, aging, and other medical conditions. There are five types of insomnia; chronic, acute, comorbid, onset, and maintenance insomnia. Though some, like chronic insomnia, last longer than others, they will all make once uncomfortable and present a risk of suffering from other medical conditions. What are the consequences of insomnia? We've mentioned they lead to other medical conditions like strokes, seizures, diabetes, HBP, heart disease, and inflammation. Lack of a good night's sleep may result in daytime sleepiness, which can translate to an accident or render your workdays unproductive, and you get a shortened life expectancy.

How CBD Oil can be useful for Insomnia Treatment?

Is CBD oil good for insomnia? Absolutely. We know that the endocannabinoid system, which maintains body functions, including sleep, has cannabinoid receptors. There are two primary receptors; CB1 and CB2 Cannabinoids attach to these two receptors, which n turn affects how we sleep with the potential of affecting sleep-wake cycles. Some causes of insomnia are anxiety and pain. And since CBD helps alleviate pain and reduce anxiety, using it will help you not only stay asleep but will make falling asleep faster a reality. Several studies have been conducted, whose results show that CBD does help cure sleep disorders. One was conducted on 72 adults with anxiety, which resulted in Poor sleep and was published in The Permanente Journal. Those who experienced sleep difficulties were given 25 mg of CBD in the evening. The test results showed 66% of the subjects reported an improvement in their sleep scores. Research has shown that people who have PTSD do benefit from the use of CBD to curb the sleep disturbances they experience. CBD does help cure movement disorders. A person who has Parkinson's disease will experience several muscle tumors and REM sleep behavior disorder. CBD reduces muscle tumors resulting in improved sleep. Also, pregnant women experience insomnia due to stress, pain, or nausea and can use CBD to help sleep (you should consult your doctor first).

How to Use CBD for Sleeping Better?

Do not use CBD and other sleep aids concurrently without seeking counsel from your doctor. CBD products are made from CBD sourced from either hemp plants or marijuana. The difference between the two is the amount of THC, which affects the product's legal status. Some states allow the sale of CBD products with no THC. Some states have legalized marijuana, meaning a CBD product with high THC concentration is entirely legal. Do you know which states have legalized marijuana and those that are yet to? Depending on the laws, you may need a doctor's prescription for CBD oil for insomnia. There are several types of CBD products available in the market. They include full or broad-spectrum CBD oil, tinctures, edibles, and vapes. These products come with varied CBD concentration and work differently. For example, tinctures offer immediate relief while edibles and oils release CBD slower resulting in longer-lasting effects.

Finding the right dosage of CBD Oil for Insomnia

There is no recommended dosage for CBD oil to cure insomnia. However, there is a way you can go about administering the treatment, which will eventually result in you finding out the dosage that works. Here's how you go about it Start small – Start with small doses. Dosage is determined by several factors, including age and body mass index. So start with the least recommended dosage. Doing this helps you determine how your body reacts to a certain dosage; who knows, you may not have to increase as your body may react well to a small dosage. Increase gradually – If the small doses do not help, you should increase the dosage gradually. NOTE: Gradually does not mean daily. Give your body time to adapt so you can get concise results. You may want to change the dosage after a week or so. Once you find the dose that works for you, stick to it. You may want to stop using CBD after you feel that it has achieved its purpose. Do not stop immediately. The process needs to be gradual. There are some CBD side effects that you should know about. They include diarrhea, reduced appetite, and dry mouth. However, these are only mild side effects and better than those you get from sleep aids.


If you are experiencing sleep problems, avoid sleep aids, and opt for CBD. CBD has other health benefits which you will enjoy in the process. There are some dedicated CBD oils for insomnia, but they also give additional benefits like an entourage effect. It will also help Although CBD oil will help you cure insomnia, you also need to change other aspects of your life. You have to develop a regular sleep schedule, exercise, and make sure the environment is conducive to sleep. If your neighbor throws loud parties every day, talk to them or, if possible, move to a new apartment. Avoid vices that promote wakefulness like using your phone or laptop in bed. Other things to avoid include caffeine, drugs, excessive alcohol, diet pills, and nicotine. Do these things, and you may not have to use these CBD products for long.