CBD for Migraines


What is a migraine?

Throbbing head pain, sudden nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and overcome with irritability — sound familiar? You may have experienced a migraine. Migraines affect over ten percent of the population, and although they often go undiagnosed, they can produce debilitating and chronic pain to the point where sufferers can (and often do) end up in the emergency room for head pain. Even for those migraine victims who do not end up at the hospital, many have experienced the inescapable pain in their head lasting for days on end. Due to the pervasive nature of migraines (both in terms of pain and frequency of migraine headaches), there are many prescription and over-the-counter options available for treating migraine symptoms, although most have unwanted or harmful side effects.

The differences between Migraines and Headaches

Headaches are only one of the many symptoms associated with migraines; nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, and lightheadedness may also accompany a migraine. The pain associated with a migraine is also distinguishable from a regular headache. A headache, which is often characterized as pain from stress, tension, or illness will usually last for a few hours and generally has an identifiable source. A migraine can attack suddenly and bring about additional symptoms that are not traceable to a specific event (such as a disturbing noise, tension, stress, or an injury). Migraines also tend to be recurring and last for days on end, which can affect one’s quality of life in a real and significant way. Canceling plans and retreating to a dark room is a routine that is all too familiar to those who suffer from chronic migraines. Due to the prevalence and severity of migraines, along with the absence of a holistic and effective treatment for migraines, many have found themselves wondering: does CBD work for migraines?

Can CBD Oil Treat a Migraine

Anyone who has looked into the various uses of CBD products will know that while there are many testimonies and advocates touting the effectiveness of CBD oil in treating an array of ailments, there are very few scientific studies to back these claims. Only recently has the legalization of CBD and the slow fade of stigma surrounding medical marijuana produced a demand for research involving cannabidiol CBD and other hemp-derived products. Therefore, only time will tell if CBD oil for migraines will be considered for medical treatment of migraine pain. This aspect of ambiguity surrounding CBD effectiveness is familiar throughout the entire industry. The far-reaching effects of CBD oil cannot be truly understood until they are truly (and scientifically) explored. However, as user testimonies, medical opinions, and interest surrounding CBD increase, so will the amount of science-backed studies and research regarding the uses and effectiveness of CBD. Only then will we know: does CBD help migraines according to science. In the meantime, it is worth noting the optimism of many medical professionals toward CBD for migraines — not to mention CBD patrons who have already successfully answered the question “does CBD oil help with migraines” for themselves. The limited amount of research that does exist currently involves medical marijuana and migraines — rather than CBD and migraines specifically. The results of one study, in particular, found that regular use of medical marijuana reduced the frequency of migraines by over half, which is great news for migraine victims who live in areas where marijuana is legal. But how does this translate to the question at hand: does CBD help migraines? Of course, without medical research, this question will remain unanswerable. There are, however, many reasons to be optimistic that CBD oil and migraines may have a similar relationship as marijuana and migraines. The logic behind this theory has to do with the anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and anti-nausea effects of CBD oil, which could provide major relief during a migraine. But there is also a deeper relationship between the effects of CBD and potential migraine relief: due to the interactions between CBD and the endocannabinoid receptors in the human brain and nervous system, there is reason to believe that CBD tincture for migraines could reduce inflammation and regulate the brain’s response to environmental and hormonal triggers that may cause migraines in the first place. This in turn, could potentially go well beyond relief and allow people to treat the root cause of their migraines, resulting in fewer migraines and a more proactive, consistent, and holistic way to treat them.

How to use CBD oil for Migraines

CBD comes in many shapes and forms — you may opt for something convenient and accessible such as CBD pills for migraines, while tincture (oil derived from the cannabis plant) and vaping are also options that offer a higher bioavailability and faster release into the system. Beyond the method of taking CBD, you can also choose from full-spectrum CBD, CBD isolates, or broad-spectrum (which is a combination of full-spectrum and isolates) products, all of which offer different benefits. You can learn more about the difference in our article CBD Definition for Complete Beginners. Of course, when exploring CBD hemp oil for migraines, you should consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that your medical history and current medications are taken into account. Your doctor may also be able to help you establish the CBD dosage for migraines that is best suited to you. Many people also choose to incorporate CBD into their diets through food or beverages. You can find fun recipes on the Karavie Facebook page if you are looking for new ways to enjoy the benefits of CBD.

Side effects of using CBD oil for Migraine Treatment

When deciding to use CBD for migraines dosage is an important factor with regard to the side effects of CBD. Of course, the best way to determine your dosage is by speaking with your doctor, but a common recommendation for holistic, regular use of CBD is to start small and gradually increase your dosage, allowing your body to adapt. The few side effects that have been documented, such as diarrhea and nausea, result mostly from improper dosage. While CBD oil has only received FDA approval for a specific treatment for epilepsy, it is considered a generally safe and non-addictive, which makes it an excellent alternative to many pharmaceuticals that are filled with chemicals, toxins, or dangerous side-effects. At Karavie, we know that wellness is the root of a happy life and that finding natural and safe solutions is the best way to find balance and live your best life.